Jupiter will transit in Pisces and Pisces is the zodiac of China. Saturn will have a special vision on Jupiter. Many strange and unforeseen events will happen in the world of China's expansion policies. According to the situation, signs of upheaval are being created. Such as natural calamities, standing crops, water scarcity, sudden spread of disease, due to which children and youth are affected, fire, earthquake, hunger, communal disturbance, etc.
On 29th April 2022, Shani Dev will enter Aquarius and will be in conjunction with Mars. Will be in conjunction till 17th May 2022. Incidents like bloodshed and massacres, and killings will happen in China, Pakistan, and Jammu and Kashmir.
On 29th April 2022, Shani Dev will enter Aquarius and will be in conjunction with Mars. Will be in conjunction till 17th May 2022. Incidents like bloodshed and massacres, and killings will happen in China, Pakistan, and Jammu and Kashmir.
From July 12, 2022, to January 2023, Saturn will move in retrograde motion in Capricorn. Due to this people with sudden serious diseases will be affected.
Fourth lord Sun in Aries with Rahu and the seventh lord Mars with 6th Venus in the 10th house. Saturn and Mars are in Aquarius. Mercury and Saturn will be retrograde. On June 22, Sun will transit in Gemini and at that time it will be situated in Ardra Nakshatra, at that time Rahu will be in Aries and Saturn will be in the seventh house and Mars-Jupiter will be in the eighth house. Saturn's vision will be directed at Rahu. It can cause communal disturbance, extremism, earthquake, disease, violence, bloodshed, other trouble, crime, extremist problem, and anti-social element can cause incidents of lawlessness, unrest, and inflation. war-like situation.
In the year related to Rahu, airborne diseases spread rapidly and Corona is the biggest example of the time. There are signs of advancement in the technology sector. Rahu is the cause of skin diseases, scabies, itching, poisoning, virus, epidemic, etc. In Vedic astrology, the factors of the virus are believed.
India, Afghanistan, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Russia, USA, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, West Bengal, Punjab, etc Natural calamities, Civil war abroad, Riot like political parties in states, Unrest, turmoil, change in power, Movement, militant incidents will be seen to be included. Yearly horoscope All the planets are situated between Rahu and Ketu. The horoscope of Kaal Sarp Yog is being formed. Sun is the lord of the fourth house, Rahu is the lord of the fifth house with Mercury, and Saturn's vision is on Jupiter. Trouble to the politician Secret enemies, conspiracies, and internal civil wars are being created.
Jupiter will transit in Pisces and Pisces is the zodiac of China. Saturn will have a special vision on Jupiter. Many strange and unforeseen events will happen in the world of China's expansion policies. According to the situation, signs of upheaval are being created. Such as natural calamities, standing crops, water scarcity, sudden spread of disease, due to which children and youth are affected, fire, earthquake, hunger, communal disturbance, etc. It is indicates that the affected states of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar, Assam, and Muslim countries will also be affected. On May 17, 2022, Jupiter, Venus, and Mars will be in conjunction.
Rahu is located in the Krittika constellation of the Sun. Ketu is located in the Jupiter constellation, Vishakha. Saturn is located in the constellation Dhanishta of Mars. Rahu left no unturned in the spread of this fatal viral infection. Rahu is related to smoke and the sky anyway and the infection spreads through the air. In the month of May 2022, Mars will be joined the Rahu. Both Rahu and Ketu are considered to be epidemic factors. initially, the dreadful pandemic would create a worrying situation due to the untimely illness and death of the younger generation and children. Governance will be disturbed due to fire, unrest, and communal riots in Gujarat, Delhi, Assam, Bihar, and Muslim countries. Pisces is related to China and is the first foreign and southern state of India. May, June, and July The epidemic will continue to spread more rapidly.
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