Pain in the Head. This pain produced by intracranial arterial displacement and distortion of the dura,usually caused by space occupying raised intracranial pressure.Headache is perhaps the most frequent single complaint of modern time.Main cause of tension and muscle spasms in the neck.
So ,many diseases have been linked with mental attitudes. Physical stress like sleeplessness, prolonged exertion,exposure to extreme of heat or cold.
When headache is start, the brain flow increases to normal and in the scapl tissues where the headache is felt. Arterial blood is controlled by Jupiter and Mars and kaal purusha is ruled by Mars.When Jupiter and Mars together or aspected to each other. Afflicted can casue disturbance in blood circulation in the headache.
Combination for headache is given as under:-
1.Rahu,Mars and Saturn conjunt together in a sign cause of headache.
2. Ascendant having a malefics sign and Jupiter and Moon conjunt with malefics cause headache.
3. In the sub-period of venus under main period of the Sun, the native will be suffered from headache.
4. In sub-period of Mars in the main period of Mercury will be headache and other disease.
5. Rahu posited in the ascendent associated with malefics causes headache.
6. The Moon in Aries and Saturn in cancer, libra or Aquarius is a sure sign of depressive headache.
Remedies for headache. 1.
1. Use silver glass for drinking water and milk.
2. Throw copper coin in flowing water.
3. Use blue sapphire or Emerald in 6 rattis.
4. Lord Shiva mantra may be helpful.
If someone face problem or suffering from headache is related to Mercury.The Yantra is be drawn on bhojpatra with the ink of Asthgandh with stylus of pomegranate and the same carved on copper plate.The Yantra is started during the Hora of Mercury on Wednesday or Ashlesha Nakshetra falling on Wednesday and after written the same Yantra or carving the yantra wash it in the urine of cow or Ganges jal.and covered with green cloth and the mantra of Mercury is recited.seen daily.
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