Wednesday 24 April 2024


                The structure of our body is full of five elements. There is a network of 2 crore 72 lakh 200 nerves in our body. Oxygen transforms these life forces. There are nine main doors for this air to enter the body. When a child is born, a birth chart is prepared based on the position of the planets in the sky at that time. There are nine planets and 27 constellations and twelve houses in the birth chart. Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, and two shadow planets Rahu and Ketu. These have good and bad effects. When there is a situation, there is an impact. Diseases like bile, phlegm, and gout arise. Due to the increase and decrease of fire elements, earth elements, water elements, air elements, and sky elements, we have started suffering from diseases. Sun is of fire element, Moon is of Kapha nature, Mars is of Pitta nature, Mercury is of earth element, Jupiter is of fire element, Venus is of air element and Saturn is of air element. Aries is the fire element, Taurus is the earth element, Gemini is the air element, Cancer is the water element, Leo is the fire element, Earth element is Virgo, Libra is the air element, Scorpio is the water element, Sagittarius is fire element, Capricorn is earth element. It is an element, Aquarius is an air element, and Pisces is a water element. We exchange 21600 breaths every day. Fever occurs due to the high temperature of the fire element. Excess water elements give birth to insects, flies, and mosquitoes which cause diseases like malaria, and influenza.


Due to excessive increase in water elements, diseases like cough, asthma, loss of appetite, constipation due to poor digestion, headache, etc. occur. Due to excessive increase in earth elements, laziness and an increase in fat occur. Due to excessive increase in the air element, diseases like shortness of breath, cough, asthma, pain, pneumonia, blindness, confusion, hysteria, and fainting occur. Due to excessive fire elements, diseases like polio, liver problems, blood loss, and mental problems occur. Due to the increase in sky elements, diseases like mental troubles, mental confusion, and fainting occur. Due to earth elements, there is a possibility of boil, pimples, allergy, Chambal, chapped lips, dysentery, tumors, and cancer.

             1, The 6th house in our horoscope is ruled by the Virgo sign.

                It signifies illness, disease, injury, worries, accidents, mental tension, pain, wounds, mental stability, and obstruction.

2. The uterus, ovaries, and menstruation are governed by the seventh house, Venus and Libra.

 3. The genitals are represented by the eighth house and Scorpio.

 4. Inauspicious Mars causes the excessive discharge.

 5. Pain and irregularity in discharge is caused by Saturn.

 6. Venus governs the reproductive organs and kidneys. 

7. Mars is the cause of all diseases of the female organs and it breaks down the tissues of the uterus and starts excessive bleeding. 

8. The Moon represents the flow of blood.

 9. If the Moon is afflicted in the horoscope, it causes painful menstruation.

10. According to the system normally, Menses commences when the mars is the transit aspect of Ascendant or the natal moon. when the moon, mars/ Moon, and Saturn / Moon Rahu /moon Ketu combination in a female horoscope are not good for undisturbed menstrual discharges.

11. Mercury is the karaka of ulcers.  

  12.  If the sign of Libra, 7th house, 7th lord, and Mars is afflicted and connected with trik bhavas either by aspect or conjunction caused diseases connected with female organs.

Tuesday 19 April 2022


On April 13,2022 Jupiter entered into Pisces zodiac. At that time Jupiter was in the Purva Bhadrapada constellation. Jupiter is in its own sign and its own constellation. Mars is in the Saturn zodiac and Sun and Rahu in Aries  Saturn are in the Capricorn zodiac aspects on Jupiter. Ketu aspects on the Sun-Mercury-Rahu are in conjunction in Aries. Which can create incidents of diseases and fire, natural outbreaks, and communal events. Rahu and Ketu suddenly give rise to events.

          Jupiter will transit in Pisces and Pisces is the zodiac of China. Saturn will have a special vision on Jupiter. Many strange and unforeseen events will happen in the world of China's expansion policies. According to the situation, signs of upheaval are being created. Such as natural calamities, standing crops, water scarcity, sudden spread of disease, due to which children and youth are affected, fire, earthquake, hunger, communal disturbance, etc. 

                    On 29th April 2022, Shani Dev will enter Aquarius and will be in conjunction with Mars. Will be in conjunction till 17th May 2022. Incidents like bloodshed and massacres, and killings will happen in China, Pakistan, and Jammu and Kashmir.
From July 12, 2022, to January 2023, Saturn will move in retrograde motion in Capricorn. Due to this people with sudden serious diseases will be affected.

Fourth lord Sun in Aries with Rahu and the seventh lord Mars with 6th Venus in the 10th house. Saturn and Mars are in Aquarius. Mercury and Saturn will be retrograde. On June 22, Sun will transit in Gemini and at that time it will be situated in Ardra Nakshatra, at that time Rahu will be in Aries and Saturn will be in the seventh house and Mars-Jupiter will be in the eighth house. Saturn's vision will be directed at Rahu. It can cause communal disturbance, extremism, earthquake, disease, violence, bloodshed, other trouble, crime, extremist problem, and anti-social element can cause incidents of lawlessness, unrest, and inflation. war-like situation.

In the year related to Rahu, airborne diseases spread rapidly and Corona is the biggest example of the time. There are signs of advancement in the technology sector. Rahu is the cause of skin diseases, scabies, itching, poisoning, virus, epidemic, etc. In Vedic astrology, the factors of the virus are believed.

           India, Afghanistan, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Russia, USA, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, West Bengal, Punjab, etc Natural calamities, Civil war abroad, Riot like political parties in states, Unrest, turmoil, change in power, Movement, militant incidents will be seen to be included. Yearly horoscope All the planets are situated between Rahu and Ketu. The horoscope of Kaal Sarp Yog is being formed. Sun is the lord of the fourth house, Rahu is the lord of the fifth house with Mercury, and Saturn's vision is on Jupiter. Trouble to the politician Secret enemies, conspiracies, and internal civil wars are being created.

Jupiter will transit in Pisces and Pisces is the zodiac of China. Saturn will have a special vision on Jupiter. Many strange and unforeseen events will happen in the world of China's expansion policies. According to the situation, signs of upheaval are being created. Such as natural calamities, standing crops, water scarcity, sudden spread of disease, due to which children and youth are affected, fire, earthquake, hunger, communal disturbance, etc. It is indicates that the affected states of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar, Assam, and Muslim countries will also be affected. On May 17, 2022, Jupiter, Venus, and Mars will be in conjunction.
Rahu is located in the Krittika constellation of the Sun. Ketu is located in the Jupiter constellation, Vishakha. Saturn is located in the constellation Dhanishta of Mars. Rahu left no unturned in the spread of this fatal viral infection. Rahu is related to smoke and the sky anyway and the infection spreads through the air. In the month of May 2022, Mars will be joined the Rahu. Both Rahu and Ketu are considered to be epidemic factors. initially, the dreadful pandemic would create a worrying situation due to the untimely illness and death of the younger generation and children. Governance will be disturbed due to fire, unrest, and communal riots in Gujarat, Delhi, Assam, Bihar, and Muslim countries. Pisces is related to China and is the first foreign and southern state of India. May, June, and July The epidemic will continue to spread more rapidly.

Thursday 14 April 2022


What is piles disease: - It is found in the anus and rectum. Due to working in a sitting position for a long time, irregular food habits, and excessive constipation, the balance inside the human body gets disturbed. This causes the disease called hemorrhoids or piles. The part of the rectum becomes hard and starts paining. Sometimes blood starts coming with or without defecation. It is called bloody piles disease. According to astrology, this disease occurs when during transit Saturn aspects Mars which is transiting over the native's eighth house (from the birth chart). Another cause can be when Venus is in the sixth house and any cruel planet like Rahu, Mars, Sun or Saturn aspects it. Yet another cause can be Jupiter in the fifth house being aspected by any of the aforementioned planets. 


   Piles and its related complaints include Mars and the 7th and 8th houses from the Ascendant and Aries. The following astrology combinations:-
 1. Mars is in the 7th position with inauspicious, it will be the cause of piles.

2  If Moon is in the eighth house from an inauspicious house, then it is caused by piles.

.3  If Mars and Sun are in the sixth cause of piles.

.4   If Mars gives vision through Rahu in the seventh house, it gives piles.

5  Saturn ascendant and Mars in 7th, it gives piles.

6   Saturn in 7th house, Mars-Sun in Scorpio, is the cause of piles.

7   If the watery sign is with Ketu with the Moon sitting in the eighth house, then it gives diseases related to the anus such as piles.

  8.     Mars in Scorpio gives pain in the anus and gives piles when it is in conjunction with Ascendant.

   9.      Mars in Cancer/Scorpio in the eighth house or the disturbance of Venus aspected by Rahu gives diseases related to piles.
 10.     If the lord of the ascendant and Mercury is in the sixth house, then it gives the disease of piles.

11.    If Mars is in the seventh house and Saturn is in the ascendant, then it gives diseases of piles.Sun in eight houses and malefic planets situated then the cause of piles.
The seventh and eighth house represents the urethra, the passage of the anus, external genital organs, obstruction, disease, wound, pain in our body.

 12.  If the Moon of Krishna Paksha is aspected by a strong Mars, while Saturn is in the eighth house then piles disease occurs. 
13. If Saturn is in the eighth house, piles disease occurs. 

14. If Mars and Ketu are in the eighth house, piles disease occurs. 

15.  If the lord of the ascendant, Mars and Saturn are in conjunction in the twelfth house, then piles disease occurs.

16.  If Mars is in conjunction with Ascendant and aspecting the seventh house, then piles disease occurs.

Friday 11 March 2022


Venereal Diseases

Why do secret diseases? Some human beings are not satisfied with their lust. Man has more desires. They are completely immoral mentally and are respected persons according to the society. To fulfill his desires, he keeps running after other women. They are also called adulterers. They lack values. Many people keep doing this abominable work throughout their life. There are insects in their blood. They do the work of spreading so much filth in the society. Many women also fall in this category. They keep polluting our society. Incidents like exploitation, rape keep happening.
According to astrology, some constellations, zodiac signs, planets, expressions and yoga are formed in the horoscope of the person, due to which the person becomes adulterous. Mars is the lord of human skin, blood flowing through the veins, diseases, intense desires, sensuality. , and the cause of moral harm is the planet. Venus is the planet of sense pleasure, arousal, sex, semen, luxuries, adultery, intense desire or longing and which considers sex important. It is related to the seventh house. Ovaries, sex glands and cone glands, organs related to urine, anal passage, semen, bodily relations, matrimonial relations are extra-marital relations. 

      The causative organism, Neisseria, gonorrhea, is a Gram-negative diplococcus.  It infects the mucosal surface of the genital tract, which includes the urethra, genital gland, cervix and fallopian tubes, and epididymis in both males and females.  It can also infect the anal canal and distal rectum, oropharynx, and eyes.  Transmission is always sexual among adults, more often from males to females.  Vertical transmission also occurs .Sexually transmitted infection is a disease.  Usually acquired by sexual contact.  Bacteria, viruses, or other organisms that cause sexually transmitted diseases can be passed from person to person in blood, semen, or bodily fluids from the vagina and sexual intercourse.  Neonatal sepsis is numerous, especially when there is prolonged rupture of membranes or preterm labor.

 combination followings :-
 1. Jupiter is in the 12th house , the person will be suffering from venereal disease.

 2. In the horoscope Sun in opposition to Mars, Moon in opposition to Saturn and Venus afflicted cause these diseases.

 3. If the Lord of the 6th house in conjunction With Mercury and Rahu in the Ascendant cause of this disease.

 4. If the malefic s is situated in 8th house , the native will be suffering from venereal diseases.

 5.If the 6th lord and Mars without any benefits ,it will be the cause of this disease.

 6. If the Sun and Moon is situated in the Pisces zodiac with malefic and a malefic in 8th house develop these diseases.

 7. If the 7th Lord and Venus in 6th house and afflicted develop this disease.

Tuesday 13 July 2021


In the modern era, it is heard one out of four women that women have a disease in the uterus, which is due to the closure of the ovary gland or the interruption of menstruation. Changes are to be seen in the response of hormones. This is a disease related to the ovaries. Also called In medical science called polycystic ovary syndrome. Because of this, the balance of hormones in the body of women deteriorates. In this, there is an increase in the hormones of women in the body of women and an increase in the hormones of men. The lumps are filled with fluid. Gradually these lumps start affecting the response of ovulation. This disease appears to make it difficult for women to conceive. It is often seen that they are seen to increase the chances of getting B-type diabetes. According to astrology, looking at the relationship between the planets and zodiac signs, we see conception from the fifth house. Sun lord of the 5th house, Jupiter is the karaka of the fifth house zodiac, is the karaka planet. Mars acts as a blood flow in our arteries. Moon gives our mind, to menstruation in women, irregularity of menstruation, lack of blood, problems related to Venus genitalia, bloating, menstruation, and diseases in women. Third, from the fifth house, sixth, seven & & eighth house uterus, ovaries, anus, and penis The glans and the conical gland, Mars connect the blood circulation through the veins of our body and the women's menstrual system. First, the blood flow from the joint of Mars, then Venus, is our body. Mars is the fifth house of pregnancy and the menstrual cycle in the actual position. , reproduce with the uterus, and related. Sometimes women's menstrual cycles become short long periods. Menstruation becomes completely inhibited. A dot of blood appears, which seems to be a pregnancy. But this does not happen and after examining the doctor, it seems that swelling and lumps appear in the uterus. This is called a disease of the uterus. Polycystic ovary syndrome is becoming a serious disease in women. According to a study, one out of every four women in India is suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome. This disease related to the ovaries is spreading rapidly among women. It is not a fatal disease. Due to this, the balance of hormones in the body of women gets disturbed. Instead of the female hormone, the level of male hormone starts increasing, due to which lumps start forming in their ovaries. These sac-shaped lumps are filled with fluid. . Gradually these knots start affecting the process of ovulation. Mars is situated in the seventh house and Saturn keeps an eye on Mars. If the Dasha and antardasha of Mars are going on in the horoscope of the person, then this disease can happen. Mars is karaka for all the diseases in female organs and it starts the flow of bleeding by breaking uterine tissue.

      Diseases cause:-
1 Woman will have to come irregularly in menstruation.
 2 times there is a lot of bleeding during menstruation.
 3. Not cleaning your body properly. 
4. Increase of nail acne on the face before and after the onset of menstruation.
5. A woman's obesity suddenly increases.
 6. There should be pain in the head. Sometimes there should be more sleep and more sleep.
  Important Combinations
1. Moon represents the actual flow of blood and its duration.

 2. Moon-Mars, Moon-Saturn, Moon-Rahu, and Moon-Ketu, combinations in a female birth chart are not for undisturbed menstrual discharge.
3. In the Libra sign, the 7th,7th lord, and Mars are afflicted and connected with the female organs.

4. Uterus, Ovaries, and menstrual period are governed by the 7th Venus house and libra.
 5.  Malignant mars cause excessive flow.
 6.  If mars are in the 7th aspect by Saturn.
 7    If mars &Saturn placement in the 7th house.
 7. Venus is papakartari yoga.
 8.  If mars with a malefic in Ascendant or 6th house.

9.   If Venus and the 7th lord are weak and afflicted.

In case of any astrological help, kindly contact at We study each horoscope completely by individualizing the same and will try to help you in every possible manner.

Sunday 25 April 2021

महामारी -शान्ति के लिए अचूक उपाय



महामारी -शान्ति के लिए अचूक उपाय :-
   1. इत्थं यदा यदा बाधा दानवोत्थ भविष्यति 
  2.  जयन्ती मङ्गला काली भद्रकाली कपालिनी। दुर्गा क्षमा शिवा धात्री स्वाहा स्वधा नमोस्तु ते |  

   सच्चे हृदय दुर्गा माँ के मंत्र का जप करें।अवश्य महामारी से रक्षा होगी।

Thursday 10 September 2020


       Faults in speaking: - Horoscope of Kaalpurush second house or house rules over our tongue. Jupiter indicates a defect in speaking. Taurus is the second house hence it's afflicted to causes defects related to speaking. Ketu stammered in the second house in adverse conditions.  If Rahu or Shani in afflicted to makes the native more talkative and delayed.  The Sun or Mars in infested to makes the native speakers in defects and loud voices.


                                                      In this horoscope, 2nd lord Venus and Rahu and 6th lord Mercury in 4th house with Sun has been combusted and Saturn and Mars aspects on 2nd house , the native is speaking problem.Jupiter signifies tongue and fix karaka 2nd house.

   Astrology Important Yoga:- 

   1. Tongue Problem :- Jupiter signifies tongue and speech defects.

   2. If the Jupiter, second house , 2nd lord and Taurus Zodiac all these are afflicted.

   3. If Moon is in Taurus and Jupiter is in 6th, 8th or 12th house.

   4, If the 6th lord Mercury is situated  in lagna and aspected by the malefic planet., the create problem.

5. If Saturn is opposition to the Moon and Sun , Venus are together in Lagna.

6.   If Mercury is placed in the 6th house i.e Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces then this defect is the cause of speech.

7.  If  2nd lord in Jupiter, being afflicted be 8th from 2nd house makes one dumb.

8   .If Ketu or Saturn in 2nd house , talking in delay.

9 If the Sun, Moon and Saturn in 3,5,7 and 9th without benefic aspects, this cause of speech.

10.  If 2nd lord in 6th,8th or 12th with Rahu and dispositer  of Rahu or with 4th lord, it cause speech defects.
11. If the lord of 10th in kendra or trikona with four planets .

In case of any astrological help,kindly contact at We study each horoscope completely by individualizing the same and will try to help you in every possible manner.