Friday, 19 June 2020


Kaal pursh kundli in the 5th house represents   our body's stomach, belly, kidney, liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas, pregnancy and antecedents. If the truth shows the collection of karma is good if the feeling is in good, then if the victim is suffering then value less life. Mars rules stomach, Jupiter rules Gall bladders and Pancreas, Venus rules Reproductive parts and Saturn rules nerves, colon and rectum

1.If Ketu is situated in the fifth house then abortion occurs. 
2. If the malefics planets are located in the 5th, 7th and 9th house then they cause abortion.
3 If Jupiter 6th,  8th or 12th houses become afflicted at that time due to miscarriage.
4.If Moon in 5th house in Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio aspected by the Mars, the native may suffer from still birth.

5. If Jupiter afflicted by the Ketu ,then the causes abortion or miscarriage.

6. Sun,Rahu or Sun Ketu in 5th house, the create problem miscarriage or abortion.

7. When the mars and Sun are vision on the 5th house, the cause of miscarriage.
    8.If Exchange of Lords of the 5th and 8th may lead to miscarriage .