Thursday, 10 September 2020


       Faults in speaking: - Horoscope of Kaalpurush second house or house rules over our tongue. Jupiter indicates a defect in speaking. Taurus is the second house hence it's afflicted to causes defects related to speaking. Ketu stammered in the second house in adverse conditions.  If Rahu or Shani in afflicted to makes the native more talkative and delayed.  The Sun or Mars in infested to makes the native speakers in defects and loud voices.


                                                      In this horoscope, 2nd lord Venus and Rahu and 6th lord Mercury in 4th house with Sun has been combusted and Saturn and Mars aspects on 2nd house , the native is speaking problem.Jupiter signifies tongue and fix karaka 2nd house.

   Astrology Important Yoga:- 

   1. Tongue Problem :- Jupiter signifies tongue and speech defects.

   2. If the Jupiter, second house , 2nd lord and Taurus Zodiac all these are afflicted.

   3. If Moon is in Taurus and Jupiter is in 6th, 8th or 12th house.

   4, If the 6th lord Mercury is situated  in lagna and aspected by the malefic planet., the create problem.

5. If Saturn is opposition to the Moon and Sun , Venus are together in Lagna.

6.   If Mercury is placed in the 6th house i.e Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces then this defect is the cause of speech.

7.  If  2nd lord in Jupiter, being afflicted be 8th from 2nd house makes one dumb.

8   .If Ketu or Saturn in 2nd house , talking in delay.

9 If the Sun, Moon and Saturn in 3,5,7 and 9th without benefic aspects, this cause of speech.

10.  If 2nd lord in 6th,8th or 12th with Rahu and dispositer  of Rahu or with 4th lord, it cause speech defects.
11. If the lord of 10th in kendra or trikona with four planets .

In case of any astrological help,kindly contact at We study each horoscope completely by individualizing the same and will try to help you in every possible manner.

Friday, 19 June 2020


Kaal pursh kundli in the 5th house represents   our body's stomach, belly, kidney, liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas, pregnancy and antecedents. If the truth shows the collection of karma is good if the feeling is in good, then if the victim is suffering then value less life. Mars rules stomach, Jupiter rules Gall bladders and Pancreas, Venus rules Reproductive parts and Saturn rules nerves, colon and rectum

1.If Ketu is situated in the fifth house then abortion occurs. 
2. If the malefics planets are located in the 5th, 7th and 9th house then they cause abortion.
3 If Jupiter 6th,  8th or 12th houses become afflicted at that time due to miscarriage.
4.If Moon in 5th house in Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio aspected by the Mars, the native may suffer from still birth.

5. If Jupiter afflicted by the Ketu ,then the causes abortion or miscarriage.

6. Sun,Rahu or Sun Ketu in 5th house, the create problem miscarriage or abortion.

7. When the mars and Sun are vision on the 5th house, the cause of miscarriage.
    8.If Exchange of Lords of the 5th and 8th may lead to miscarriage .

Sunday, 19 April 2020



On  July 6, 2020  the Pratipada tithi of Shravan Lunar month on Monday is going begin and the beloved month of Lord Shiva. The transit of planets in the lunar month is very amazing.  on july 16, 2020 the Sun is Cancer  sign and Sun and Saturn is formed samasaptak yoga now the Jupiter-Sun- Rahu in samasaptak yoga and Saturn is vision  on Mars & Mars on Rahu.  Saturn and Mars are in water zodiac. Saturn in retrograde position is transit in  sign of India Zodiac. Due to the status of planetary transits, there will be loss due to the deluge in some areas.  Natural calamities, rain, floods and storms will cause damage.  Government should be careful for such incidents.


This month will be a sequence of special important events in the world. Water-related distress will also catch on.water related diseases will also spread very much.  Such as dengue, pneumonia, Jaundice, typhoid, lungs problem, ague, ataxia fever, etc.   Due to this, situations in India and other countries will be troublesome. This month, people will be troubled by war situation, natural outbreak, earthquake, storm and other problems. The public will be forced to have transferred. The standing crops will be heavily damaged by rain.Saturn has vision on Mars and Saturn-Jupiter is located in Capricorn, due to which people have to face diseases and natural troubles, nuisances. Loss of crops due to some kind of famine-specific disease, inter-famine overgrowth.

The  Jupiter (R)  is in its debilitation position.  Mars and Saturn are placed in the watery sign and Jupiter-Ketu - Rahu-Sun are creating a samsaaptak yoga, due to create diseases viral infections, epidemics, wounds. 

 due to which loss of heavy rain to create of the position of the flood situation, earthquake occurrence. Saturn aspects on the Mars, create problems in the border areas Kashmir, China and Pakistan, the Govt. should be aware in border crossing area and there should be the availability of army at that places.

 The public is requested to consume clean water. Follow yoga power. Eat pure water and pure foods.

In case of any astrological help,kindly contact at We study each horoscope completely by individualizing the same and will try to help you in every possible manner.

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Disease Yoga in horoscope

Everybody is familiar with the diseases. When will we have the disease and how are the planets seen in the birth chart :-.       1.  If the lord of the six houses is situated in the 1st or 8th house conjunction with the Sun, the native will suffer from diseases of the mouth.
2. If six lord and Moon are situated in the 1st or 8th house ,then the native will be suffering from the palate diseases.
3. If the Jupiter and the Moon are situated in the 12 th house ,the  person will be suffering from the diseases.
4.  If the Sun, Mars and Saturn are placed in these houses and the parts in that place will suffer from the diseases .

5.   If the Moon, Saturn and Mercury are situated in sixth bhava ,the native will be Leper disease.
6.  If the Sun and Moon are placed in 2nd house ,then native is suffering from the night  blindness diseases.
7.    If the Sun is six lord and the placed in 4th house ,the native will be protection of the life against the heart diseases.

8.   If the Ketu with the Mars in 4th House, the suffering from the heart complaints.

9.  If the Moon weak in the 12th house , the native will be facing the abnormality.
10.  If debilitated Saturn in 6th or 8th house ,the native is a problem for psychological and curable .

11.   If the Mars in the 4th and Venus in the 10th house , the native suffering from the sexual over diseases.

Monday, 23 March 2020




On November 5, 2019, at 02:50 am IST, the Jupiter entered in Sagittarius Zodiac. At that time Jupiter was located in the Moola Constellation. Ketu is the Lord of Moola Constellation. Saturn and Ketu were already situated in Sagittarius sign.


 Mars has a vision on Saturn –Ketu. Ketu transit is mysterious in itself, it leaves a deep impact on events. Rahu –Saturn-Jupiter-Ketu formed samsaptaka yoga which can create incidents of diseases and fire, nature outbreaks. Rahu and Ketu suddenly give rise to events. Rahu is located in its own constellation Ardra. Rahu left no unturned in the spread of this fatal viral infection. Rahu is related to smoke and sky anyway and the infection spreads through the air. Both Rahu and Ketu planets are considered to be epidemic factors. Ardra Nakshatra shows, sudden chaos and/or wrath in nature.



On December 26, 2019, a solar eclipse occurred. At that time Sun- Jupiter- Moon- Mercury -Saturn and Ketu and 6 planets council have been in solar eclipse of Sagittarius Zodiac. The planetary position is frightening for the dignitaries . In that yoga, the deadly poisonous virus took birth and affected the people of Wuhan city of China, due to which they got caught in the coronavirus.

On March 22, 2020, Mars will enter Capricorn Zodiac Sign and Mars will get exalted.

Due to a natural disaster like that of an earthquake, the public will be disturbed due to which there will be huge loss of money. Somewhere vehicles can face accidents and there can be incidents of homicide. Saturn Mars - Rahu is creating conspicuous yoga due to which the politics of the world will be disturbed. The situation will become catastrophic due to the creation of a comprehensive war environment.

On March 25, 2020, Vikram Samvat 2077 will begin. Mercury will be King and Moon will be the Minister of the Vikram Samvat. The numeric total of Year 2020 comes to be 4, which is related to Rahu according to numerology. In the year related to Rahu, airborne diseases spread rapidly and Corona is the biggest example of the time. There are signs of advancement in the technology sector. Rahu is the cause of skin diseases, scabies, itching, poisoning, virus, epidemic etc. In Vedic astrology, the factors of the virus are believed to be due to Rahu and Saturn and due to these outbreaks, the corona epidemic has spread. Due to Saturn being in its own zodiac sign Capricorn, its influence is continuously increasing . Rahu is currently situated in exalted position. Gemini is a factor in our horoscope of Kaal Purush . It spreads very rapidly in air and moisture due to Rahu.

On 30 March 2020, Jupiter will leave Sagittarius and enter Capricorn. The infection from corona virus will hopefully have some good treatment outcome. After that Sun will be changing the zodiac sign , then freedom from this virus will begin.


On April 13, 2020, the sun will enter in Aries and will get exalted. On April 25, 2020, Mercury will enter in Aries Zodiac. It can be expected to get relief from life-threatening infection, then in April. Until then, stay safe.Sun son Ashwini Kumar is the lord god of the Ashwini nakshatra.Both of them are ready to help and provide service to the knowledgeable, honest and others of the Vaidya Shastra.The Sun will situated  in the Ashwini Nakshatra is very important. Corona virus will be reduced from  August 15, 2020.Mars will be transit in Aries Zodiac. Saturn and Jupiter will be Retrograde position.On September 15,2020 Jupiter will be Margi and Rahu and Ketu will be change his sign. Any medicine can be manufactured to treat this disease. In the medical world, it will be helpful in the discovery of the medicine of Corona virus.  It has the amazing ability to provide healing by removing any disease.


In case of any astrological help,kindly contact at We study each horoscope completely by individualizing the same and will try to help you in every possible manner.

Monday, 10 February 2020

Skin Diseases

       Role of Skin :-

Externally and internally,skin has a special role to keep our body healthy and just as a strong boundary wall protects a fort or building, healthy skin protects the body from all types of bacteria, viruses.When we are hurt or the skin is cut, germs actively attack the skin. Skin is made of many types of chemical substances. This is what makes vitamin D. It also regulates blood pressure and water. In the skin glands, some substances are made continuously, which make the skin soft and smooth. For some reason,when there is a decrease in their manufacturing ,local infection occurs.Diseases like boils and pimples etc occur to control the body temperature and that too is done by the skin it self.Water is present between the outer and inner skin . Outer skin consists of wisdom fibers  and blood cells. Pigment occurs in the inner layer of the upper skin.

Skin diseases: - Those who produce alopecia are deciduous lupus erythematosus and morphia.Epidermis is a temporally differential, stratified squamous epithelium comprising predominantly keratinocytes . Many skin diseases affect keratinocytes. Common hallmarks of epidermal involvement are

        Types of the skin diseases :-

  1.  1 Hair fall , Excess hair

      2, Nail disorder,
      3. Skin problems in pregnancy,
      4. Tuberculosis of skin , Infections,
      5. Cutaneous fungal infection,
     6.Structure and Function of normal skin
     7 Abnormal scaling of skin.
     8. Formation of vesicles.
     9. Corrosion due to complete loss of epithelial layer

                Vedic astrological and planets combination

1. If the Sun and Saturn is situated in lagna ,then they may be develop the skin diseases.
2.  If the Moon and Mars are located in the 2nd house  and aspected by the Saturn due to causes of the skin diseases.

3.  If the Moon in the 2nd , which is a watery sign results in skin diseases.

4.   If the powerful Saturn in the 3rd joined with Mars or vision by mars causes skin diseases.

5.If the Mercury is situated in the Ascendant aspected by the Lord of 6th or 8th develops  the skin diseases.

6.  If Mercury in 2nd house aspected by the Moon causes skin diseases.

7.If the Sun, Moon and Mars in the 6th house causes skin diseases.

8. If the Mercury as the Lord of the Ascendant placed in 6th house causes skin diseases.

9.  If the malefic Mars is in the 6th house develops skin diseases.

10.   Jupiter in conjunction with Saturn,weak Moon in the 10th Mars in Ascendant, develops skin diseases.