Thursday, 21 November 2019


Why do lung diseases occur?  Our lungs only do the work of cleaning the blood in our body.  When carbon gets deposited in our lungs, at that time, there is trouble in breathing.  2. Even when we live in a contaminated environment, at that time we have this problem due to suffocation in lungs.  3. Blood vessels start shrinking in our body, at that time this problem can occur.  4. Cough problem can be a lung disease if it stays for more than 8 weeks.  5. When we use antibiotics for a long time, this disease can be caused.  Infections can also cause this disease.



  The fourth house of our horoscope represents chest, breast, asthma, heart, lungs, blood corpuscles, phlegm, hernia and tuberculosis.

  Due to combined planets, malefic, affliction and corrupted vision of some planets, this disease occurs. Some important combinations of lung disease.


                                        In this horoscope, the Ascendant lord Sun is in own house in conjunction with 10th lord. Mercury in cancer zodiac sign indigestion. Sun is lagna lord when afflicted cause stomach ache.Mars is aspects on the Venus, The  Man is a dependent of narcotics.  He is addicted to drinking alcohol.

1. If Venus or Sun or Jupiter is situated in the 8th house in a watery sign and malefic vision on the same ,cause of this problem.
2.  Afflicted Sun in 6th house in a dual sign, due to the lung problem may be occurred..

3.  If the sun and moon are in conjunction in the Cancer or Leo sign and 4th house duly afflicted.

4.  If the mercury is afflicted in 4th house in the Cancer sign as well as Moon is afflicted,this lung disease can be found.

5.when the Rahu is in 6th and lagna lord is situated in 8th and 4th house is afflicted, the same problem can be made
6.  If Sun and Saturn in mutual kendra and afflictions in Ascendant ,then the lung disease could be occurred.
7.If the Moon and Saturn in conjunction and afflicted by the Mars , the same disease may be occurred.
8.  Mars in situated in 6th house, Lord of 6th in ascendant vision by Saturn.

9.  If Lord of the 6th or 8th with the Rahu or Ketu.
10.  When the malefic affliction of Mars and Saturn on the Ascendant.

Monday, 11 November 2019




  In old age, man's bones start to become weak,  due to which the man has difficulty in walking. . The place where two bones are found in the body is called joint. The pain, swelling and fever can occur in the joints when the air is irritated.   The pain of gout and joint is a pain, many times a person sits on the bed.  Hereditary  diseases occur , this disease is caused by grandfather and great grandfather.  This problem is more visible in old age.  Sometimes, there are conditions of operation.  Now days, this infant appears in a young person. Its  starts with pain of hands and feet initially.  First, the body starts with a gas problem.  The lack of air in the body is the cause of the diseases of rheumatism, when the elements is related to  the planet Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn are connected to the lord of weak, combusted, afflicted, Dusta sethana, Trik Bhava and in some way related to the sixth house, Six lord etc.  , they produce rheumatic diseases.
If the Lord of Ascendant is in Cancer Nawansh, then this disease is caused.  Saturn is the causative planet of arthritis.  Ketu also rules over air borne diseases.
When Gemini, 3rd house, 3rd house lord and Mercury, Venus, Saturn are afflicted or sit in the third house.  The lord of 6th, 8th and 12th house is suffering from sinful planets or sighted by sinful planets.

        According to astrology, some important planets are determined by the            combination of  Yogas that the causes of these diseases are formed.

1.   If the sun and the moon are afflicted in an aquatic sign, then at that time this yoga is formed.

2.     If Sun and Moon are afflicted by sinful planets in Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces.  They are sitting face to face or together. Then they cause this disease.

3.    3. If Jupiter is placed in the eighth house, then it becomes the cause of this disease.

4.   If Jupiter is situated in lagna and the Saturn in the seventh bhava, the problem is going on.

5.    If the Saturn in the seventh and Jupiter in lagna , the  problem created disease.

6.    When the Sun is in the Cancer zodiac, there should be a vision by Saturn and Mars by Saturn itself.
7.   If the Saturn is situated in the 6th or the 8th , this disease may be occurred.
8.     If the Ketu is situated in the lagna and ketu is afflicted,then the disease may be created.

9.    When the Sun, Moon and Saturn are situation, the same problem may be occurred..

10.    When the Saturn in the Lagna and Mars in the 5th, 7th or 9th house , the disease can see be available.

11.       When the Sun, Moon and Mars are situated, the lagna and then the disease can be occurred.

12.        If the Venus is placed in the eighth bhava , malefic planet vision on the Venus.

13.   If Saturn is placed in Sagittarius or Pisces sign, sign aspects of Mars.
14.    When the Sun, Moon ,Saturn or Mars  are situated in lagna,  the joint pain disease can be occurred

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Chicken Pox /Small Pox

There is an important disease which we know by the name of measles and smallpox.  This is two types of disease. It happens to all people.  Whether it is in childhood or young

.Chicken pox: - mainly children, unusual in adults in which the disease becomes more severe.  Factor agent- The virus is similar to the herpes zoster virus and hence the named varicella zoster virus
According to astrology, planets have some combination.
Smallpox and Chickenpox involved mars, Mercury, Venus ,6th house and Virgo Zodiac
1.If Rahu in 8th aspected by or with a malefic.
2.If  Mars in Ascendant by Sun & Saturn.
3.  If Ascendant Lord and 6th Lords conjoin Mars.
4. If Sun  is in situated 1st, 2nd, 7th or 8th aspected by a malefic.
5. If Mars is in 1st, 2nd, 7th or 8 th aspected by malefic planets.
6. If malefic Rahu aspect by a malefic planets.

Wednesday, 1 May 2019


Medical Astrology or astrology of disease is important branch of science of astrology. Astrology delves into human destiny which indicates profession, character , fame, education, family life and health. Medical astrology is the branch of astrology that deals with the working of human body.Since time immemorial, both medicine and astrology have constituted a way of life and these were developed as a religion in the ancient India and thus ancient forms of knowledge. A competent medical astrologer can analyze a person's birth chart  and determine bodily strengths and weaknesses, proneness to various diseases and nutritional deficiencies. In the event illness or disease, a medical astrologer can determine the severity and duration of the disease from the natal chart.

Mind and body are the abodes of disease.Disease includes physical and mental aberrations. An astrologer is able to diagnose diseases merely looking at the natal chart can predict the possible future diseases and can help mankind to take preventive measures.Proneness or resistance to diseases can only be seen from natal chart by an astrologer and there is no medical check to determine these factors . An astrologer well versed in medical Astrology can easily forecast the future health of a person as he able to determine a tendency towards various types of illnesses, can usually see periods of stress or lowered vitality when one could have health issues.

Thus astrology is more useful than any other system is knowing diseases. If the doctor uses his stethoscope, the astrologer makes use of the horoscope, if the doctor resorts to his laboratory; the astrologer does with the directional influences. In this way the astrologer is fully equipped for the purpose. Astrologer have assigned various parts of human body to certain houses and constellations of the horoscope and certain types diseases to the planets.The co- relation between planets and the diseases was established thousands of the years. ago by our ancient rishis and astrologer by his meticulous observation and study of a chart can find out certain combinations of the planets responsible for appearance of a disease. Once a medical doctor has diagnosed a particular disease, the medical astrologer may be able to ascertain from the birth chart the security or duration of illness.
Hence there is definite relation between astrology and diseases. Thus medical astrology is not only fully relevant to health and cure of the person but is also useful in diagnoing a disease much before it onset.Medical astrology is also  helpful in electing good period for successful surgery. The medical astrologer can pick the best date. 1. time 2.for any medical treatment- anything from a face lift to an injection to surgery.Although it is always best to have the time of birth of the person,but if this is not possible, the medical astrologer can still help the client pick, the most fortunate times for the medical treatment from auspicious muhurat angle.

In case of any astrological help,kindly contact at We study each horoscope completely by individualizing the same and will try to help you in every possible manner.