Saturday, 29 November 2014



         Mood disorders are so called because their main feature is an abnormality of affect or mood. Episode of clinically disturbed mood can be divided into manic and depressive phases. Over a patients lifetime, the two types may occur in varying patterns. There is therefore a lifetime diagnosis to be made in recurrent disorders. In astrology some planets combination are under:-
 1. If Jupiter is placed and mars or Saturn aspects than disorder of mood.
 2. Moon is transit on lagna.
 3. If weak moon with mercury in lagna then suddenly mood disorder.
 4. If lagna are these sensitive signs i.e Gemini, Virgo and Pisces than mood upset suddenly.
 5. If SUN and MOON is in conjunction or affliction.
 7. If moon is placed in the watery sign.

In case of any astrological help,kindly contact at We study each horoscope completely by individualizing the same and will try to help you in every possible manner.

Monday, 24 November 2014



                     Gastritis is inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It can be active .Gastritis is seldom symptomatic, but can have important clinical sequel. Principally duodenal and gastric ulceration and gastric adenoercinoma and start gastric problem. In astrology some important combinations of planets have any one and more planets as under:-
1. If SUN and Mars in fourth house and Saturn in 10th house.
2. If weak Moon is placed in 6th house and aspected by other malefic then problem.
3. Mars and Saturn in 6th or 12th house then create gastric problem.
4. If Mars with Rahu or ketu and trouble of this.
5. If Mercury with a malefic in the 7th house than this problem may be.
6. Jupiter in 7th and Saturn occupying ascendant then create this problem.
7. Lord of 11th in 3th house then this problem.

Thursday, 13 November 2014



 EPILEPSY:-This disease involves the grey matter of brain and relates with malfunctioning nerves. It can begin suddenly and has a tendency to disappear suddenly. As per vedic astrology different planet placements' in the natives horoscope/birth chart can be responsible for epilepsy and some of them are mentioned as under:-
1. If the Moon, Mars and Sun are placed in 1st house and 8th houses or are aspected by malefic planets.
2. If the Moon is placed in 6th house and Rahu in 1st house.
3. If a malefic planet is placed in 3rd house.
4. If Mars is opposite to Saturn in Kendra.
5. If the trikon lord (i.e 6th,8th and 12th) aspects Jupiter.
6. If the Sun and Venus in the lagna and Saturn in 7th house.
7. If the afflicted Moon and Mercury.
8. If the Moon and Mercury is placed in kendra.
9. If the Mars,Moon and the Sun in conjunction.
10. Affliction from fixed signs and Mercury being affliction by Mars.

    The native is born in Jan 1975 and case of epilepsy and 1st attack in Feb 2014.
  (i) Mercury is in conjunction with ketu and aspects by Sun and Saturn due cause of epilepsy.
 (ii) Moon is aspects by saturn due cause.
 (iii) 2nd lord in conjunction with 8th lord.
 (iv) Jupiter is aspects by 8th lord and mars conjunction.
           If any remedies be need for disease.


                              As per horoscope, She is born in 1983, Moon is situated in Kendra Saturn is vision on the Moon as well Rahu is placed in 6th house ,due cause of epilepsy.
2.  Mars is placed in 8th house and vision on the Moon.
3. Malefics in trines Mars in 8th house due to develop the disease.
4. Jupiter in a trine, Mars in 8th house , due cause of epilepsy.
                         In case of any astrological help,kindly contact at We
study each horoscope completely by individualising the same and will try to help you in every possible manner.