Sunday, 7 December 2014


Menstrual Disorder:--

The gamete formation in human females is a cyclic process that takes
about 28 days and involves changes in the structure and function of the entire reproductive system. It is called menstrual cycle. Any disturbance in he same may lead to various disorders of he reproductive system and has adverse effects on the female and progeny.

  In Vedic Astrology :- 

                        In vedic medical astrology moon is governs mind and emotions. It is relates to function of uterus, ovaries. Mars is karaka of blood, take up the responsibility of governing the quantity of blood, quality, smooth and easily flow. Any affliction to moon or mars in famale chart will cause disturbance and upsets, the appropriate time of start of menses and during the period upto menopause. Moon is posed to control actual flow, duration and cycle of menses

                                  In this horoscope , the moon is 8th lord situated in 11th house with ketu , the Moon which controls the actual flow of menses, quantity and duration is 8th lord and badly afflicted being situated on the Rahu-Ketu axis. Saturn Re gradation is posited in moon sign ,the dispositer of the moon is placed in the sign of saturn. Mars which controls the blood is vision by the Rahu which is in the sign of Mars.  

                                   As a result of this, puberty was delayed and menstrual period started from the nineteen years of age.Later, it is low in the flow of menstrual for a short period of 2-3 days.  She had painful menstruation with vomiting and it continued till menopause.

       Some Planet combinations for menstrual disorder:- 

             1.  When. a woman born in Bhadra tithes 2th, 7th and 12th in nakshetras of ashlesha, kritika and shatabihisha or Tuesday, Saturday or Sunday then will have to menstrual disorders.
              2. If the Mars aspects lagna or on the Moon.
              3. If Venus is placed in virshchika rasi then it is.
              4. If Moon is afflicted mostly painful menses. 



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study each horoscope completely by individualizing the same and will try to help you in every possible manner.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014


IMPOTENCE:-In the vedic astrology some combination of plants in the native horoscope are cause of impotence. The following reason are given below:-

 1. Psychological :-

 (a) It is conflict in parent-child relationship (Developmental).

       (b) Due to Affective of              - depression, anxiety, guilt,inter- personal                                                                       relationship                                                                                                                                         

       (c) Due to lack of knowledge about sex.            

       Why is impotence? This disease arises from the congenital genital formation. Sometimes, they get solutions from ordinary treatment. Sometimes it becomes irresponsible. Lack of fertility in gipatangs, excitement is involved in increased growth in the genitals. Conditions can be detected by taking some yoga.

 Combination for impotence are given as under:-               

      1. If ascendant is an odd sign and mars is in even sign and also aspects.
      2. Sun, Saturn and Mercury is placed in one house because of this.
      3. If Saturn and Mars is placed 10th house the naive will be eunuch.
      4. If moon is in even sign and Mercury is in odd sign and aspect ed by              the Mars and the naive face this.
      5 If Saturn is placed in 6th or 8th house from Venus then.
      6. If the Saturn in debilitated and occupies the 6th or 12th.
      7. If Rahu, Venus or Saturn be in exaltation, the Sun be in Cancer sign             and Moon is placed in Aries sign then native is face this problem.
      8  If 6th lord in conjunction with Mercury and Rahu in the lagna.
      9.  If Mercury is placed Leo rasi aspects by Mars.
      10. If Saturn and Rahu is in lagna and Mercury with Ketu in conjunction in the seventh house.

    11. If Saturn and Venus occupy the 10th house, the native concerned will be eunch .

     12.  If Saturn be posited in 6th or 8th place from the Venus , the person concerned will be a eunuch.
     13.       If ketu be in navamsa sign occupied by atmakaraka and aspected by the Saturn and mercury, the person will be a impotant

             In this horoscope,the Ascendant lord Saturn is occupies the 12th from Venus ,the person concerned is eunuch.
2. Venus and Moon are afflicted by Rahu and ketu as well as by Saturn impotency develops.
3. Rahu and Saturn conjunct in Navamsa cause impotent.
4. Saturn an a inimical sign being 12th from Venus cause impotency.
5. Mars posited in even sign the person concerned is eunuch.

In case of any astrological help,kindly contact at We 

study each horoscope completely by individualizing the same and will try to help you in every possible manner.

Saturday, 29 November 2014



         Mood disorders are so called because their main feature is an abnormality of affect or mood. Episode of clinically disturbed mood can be divided into manic and depressive phases. Over a patients lifetime, the two types may occur in varying patterns. There is therefore a lifetime diagnosis to be made in recurrent disorders. In astrology some planets combination are under:-
 1. If Jupiter is placed and mars or Saturn aspects than disorder of mood.
 2. Moon is transit on lagna.
 3. If weak moon with mercury in lagna then suddenly mood disorder.
 4. If lagna are these sensitive signs i.e Gemini, Virgo and Pisces than mood upset suddenly.
 5. If SUN and MOON is in conjunction or affliction.
 7. If moon is placed in the watery sign.

In case of any astrological help,kindly contact at We study each horoscope completely by individualizing the same and will try to help you in every possible manner.

Monday, 24 November 2014



                     Gastritis is inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It can be active .Gastritis is seldom symptomatic, but can have important clinical sequel. Principally duodenal and gastric ulceration and gastric adenoercinoma and start gastric problem. In astrology some important combinations of planets have any one and more planets as under:-
1. If SUN and Mars in fourth house and Saturn in 10th house.
2. If weak Moon is placed in 6th house and aspected by other malefic then problem.
3. Mars and Saturn in 6th or 12th house then create gastric problem.
4. If Mars with Rahu or ketu and trouble of this.
5. If Mercury with a malefic in the 7th house than this problem may be.
6. Jupiter in 7th and Saturn occupying ascendant then create this problem.
7. Lord of 11th in 3th house then this problem.

Thursday, 13 November 2014



 EPILEPSY:-This disease involves the grey matter of brain and relates with malfunctioning nerves. It can begin suddenly and has a tendency to disappear suddenly. As per vedic astrology different planet placements' in the natives horoscope/birth chart can be responsible for epilepsy and some of them are mentioned as under:-
1. If the Moon, Mars and Sun are placed in 1st house and 8th houses or are aspected by malefic planets.
2. If the Moon is placed in 6th house and Rahu in 1st house.
3. If a malefic planet is placed in 3rd house.
4. If Mars is opposite to Saturn in Kendra.
5. If the trikon lord (i.e 6th,8th and 12th) aspects Jupiter.
6. If the Sun and Venus in the lagna and Saturn in 7th house.
7. If the afflicted Moon and Mercury.
8. If the Moon and Mercury is placed in kendra.
9. If the Mars,Moon and the Sun in conjunction.
10. Affliction from fixed signs and Mercury being affliction by Mars.

    The native is born in Jan 1975 and case of epilepsy and 1st attack in Feb 2014.
  (i) Mercury is in conjunction with ketu and aspects by Sun and Saturn due cause of epilepsy.
 (ii) Moon is aspects by saturn due cause.
 (iii) 2nd lord in conjunction with 8th lord.
 (iv) Jupiter is aspects by 8th lord and mars conjunction.
           If any remedies be need for disease.


                              As per horoscope, She is born in 1983, Moon is situated in Kendra Saturn is vision on the Moon as well Rahu is placed in 6th house ,due cause of epilepsy.
2.  Mars is placed in 8th house and vision on the Moon.
3. Malefics in trines Mars in 8th house due to develop the disease.
4. Jupiter in a trine, Mars in 8th house , due cause of epilepsy.
                         In case of any astrological help,kindly contact at We
study each horoscope completely by individualising the same and will try to help you in every possible manner.

Monday, 16 June 2014


Obesity [Obesity]
Obesity is a disease which is caused by many factors such as exercise, each time to relax, smooth and sweet addiction, etc. The more volume | Some hereditary obesity, there is | Aeration obesity is due blood pressure goes up feel a blockage in | Obesity swells the skin and the body can not fully assume the air | Karnrktchap more fat effects on heart reads the heart rate slows |
To get rid of obesity requires lifestyle changes | Let's do some simple ways to get rid of this Pose -
1 - The person suffering from obesity should be a walk in the morning and got ready and regular practice of pranayama Chahye | Doing so will reduce the weight very quickly |
2-25 ml lemon juice 25 g in 100 ml warm water with honey every morning - evening is obesity from drinking |
3 - dry coriander, sugar and fat in equal measure from fennel powder make up | take the powder with water over a teaspoon of low fat and obesity in the morning is far | This is a diabetic Avoid |
4 - 10 drops of the juice of basil leaves and 2 teaspoons of honey mixed in a glass of water to drink every day is obesity |
5 - tomato and onion in a little bit of rock salt and add pepper Grated salad before the meal starts at as hunger and obesity by eating less is |
6 - 15 grams Triphala powder at night before bed to keep warm water and mild morning drink this water filter consisting of a teaspoon of honey | This obesity is far quicker 

In case of any astrological help ,kindly contact at We study each horoscope completely by individualizing the same and will try to help you in every possible manner.

Sunday, 15 June 2014


Luffa -
We are all well aware of Luffa | It is a type of vegetable is grown everywhere in India | Its nature is cool and damp | of Luffa vegetable used in summer and rainy season is over s |
Luffa treatment of various diseases -

1 - pieces of towel drying, codenamed Shadow Experience | then put these pieces in coconut oil for four days Place | boil and filter it into the bottle then fill | this oil to massage the scalp and hair to turn black |

2 - Grind the leaves of Luffa | The benefit of putting ointment on Leprosy |

3 - Luffa vegetable intake is to relieve constipation and relieve hemorrhoids |

4 - Luffa pee pee suffer from irritation and is beneficial in |

5 - Giskr towel in cold water boils root knot seems to be putting on over the knot soon |

6 - Luffa intake relieve knee pain |

Thanks and regards
Aacharya Kamlesh Sharma
In case of any astrological help,kindly contact at We study each horoscope completely by individualizing the same and will try to help you in every possible manner.

Saturday, 12 April 2014


Mental diseases:-The mental diseases are the most dreadful.According to the intensity of affliction, these include                             melancholia,mania,epilepsy,lunacy,insanity,hysteria and different phases of mental disturbances.The horoscopes are the best indicators for these diseases.

EPILEPSY:- Epilepsy is defined as a condition characterised by recurrent episodes primarily of cerebral origin in which there is a disturbance of movement sensation.These episodes begin suddenly and have a tendency to disappear spontaneously.

Causes:- Almost all disorders involving the grey matter can cause epilepsy.


As per indication in the Horoscope and combination are given as under:-   Epilepsy is due to nervous disorders.when the Ascendant,its lord in the six house, the 6th lord and Mercury are the contributing factors.

    1 .If Jupiter in the ascendant and Saturn or Mars in the 7th house will be developed the mental diseases.
    2 .If the conjunction or affliction of the SUN and Moon cause of mental diseases.
    3. If the Moon affiliated by the Saturn,Mars create mental diseases.
    4 .If the weak Moon in the 6th,8th and 12th houses causes of mental diseases.
    5. If the Moon and Mercury between malefics cause mental problems.
    6 .If the Moon be in the 6th house and Rahu in the Ascendant, the native will suffer from epilepsy.
    7. If the lord of the 3rd house be conjoined with Mercury, the person will suffer from epilepsy.
    8.If the malefic is placed in the 3th house,the concerned native  suffers from epilepsy.
    9. Mars opposing Saturn in Kendra's,cause epilepsy.
    10. If Jupiter aspect ed by the lord of 6th, 8th or 12th cause of epilepsy.



         In case of any astrological help,kindly contact at astrologer We study each horoscope completely by individualizing the same and will try to help you in every possible manner.

    Tuesday, 25 March 2014

    KIDNEY PROBLEM (UTI-Urinary tract infections)

    UTI (Urinary Tract Infection):

    UTI is the presence of bacteria in the urinary tract. It may be complicated or uncomplicated. With the help of Vedic astrology, some UTI complications can be solved by simple remedies. Some combinations and links help to predict the presence of UTI. These are:

    1. If Moon afflicted by the a malefic planets,in the 8 th house or malefic planets 8th house,is aspected by Rahu the native will suffer from kidney problem.
    2. If malefic is posited in 5th house,it is cause of kidney disease.
    3. If more malefic are posited in the 8th house then possibility of kidney problems.
    4. Mercury in a Jupiter sign,and Jupiter getting aspects from Sun.
    5. If malefics aspect from Mars in 7th house, and native suffering from kidney problem.
    6. Moon in a watery sign and its lord in 6th afflicted by watery planets.
    7. If Venus in the Scorpio cause of kidney problems.
    8. If Mars with Venus in the 7th or in the 10th aggravates kidney problems.
    9. If lord of 6th or 7th with associated 12th aspected by Saturn.The native will have kidney disease.
    10. If the Mercury is posited in the 8th house, the native suffering from kidney problem.
    11. If 7th house in watery sign and Saturn,Sun,Mars and Rahu are also placed there and native will have kidney problem. 

    In case of any astrological help,kindly contact at We study each horoscope completely by individualizing the same and will try to help you in every possible manner.

    Sunday, 9 March 2014


    Timing of diseases in antar dasa (sub periods) of the planets:-

      Malefic planets associated with other planets by the conjunction aspects or exchange of planets create ill heath during their sub-periods.

    The antar dasa of the following are make the native/person suffer from illness:- 

    1. 1.   Sub-period of the lord of 6th house.
       2.. Antar dasa of the lord of 8th house.
       3.  Antar dasa of the planet placed in the 6th house from the planet having main period.
              4. Sub-period of the planet placed in the 8th house from the planet  having the main period.
               5. Sub-period of the planet posited in the 12th house from the planet having the main period.
               6. Sub-period of the lord of 2nd or 7th house.
                7. Sub-period of the planets forming malefic yogas or posited in malefic position.
               8.  Diseases caused during antar dasa of planets signifying specific diseases.

    In case of any astrological help,kindly contact at We study 

    each horoscope completely by individualizing the same and will try to help you in every possible manner.

    Sunday, 2 March 2014



    A person's teeth are not just to make him/her look attractive, but play an important role in overall nutrition and general health. Teeth allows you to follow a healthy diet and stay well nourished by transforming the food we eat into easily swallowable and digestible form. Regular dental care is important to maintain oral health and general being. Strong teeth play an important role in chewing, digestion and speech. So, it is very important to take care of teeth well.


    As we are talking about Vedic astrology, teeth and its disorders also form a link with the positioning of the planets. With the help of astrology, remedies can be done to avoid teeth problems or alleviate them if the conditions persist. The birth chart tells which people are likely to develop dental troubles and the transit helps in the calculation of time when will such events occur.
    Different dental troubles are associated with different combination of planets. For example:
    1. Loss of teeth refers to Mars in lagna that must be a watery sign, i.e., Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.
    2. Toothache involves the conjunction of the Sun and Saturn in a watery sign, i.e., Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. Any of these signs with Sun and Saturn if placed either in lagna or 6th house.
    3. Decaying teeth refer to Saturn in the 1st house or the 7th house but it should not be Saturn's raashi, i.e., Capricorn or Aquarius.
    4. Aries, Taurus or Sagittarius lagna indicates uneven or uncount teeth if they have any aspect by one or more malefic planets.
    5. Pisces lagna have broad and protruding teeth with space in between.


    1. Rahu and  Ketu are posted in sixth house cause of dental problem.
    2. When Jupiter and Rahu posited in lagna cause of teeth problem.
    3. Saturn in cancer sign, its cause of teeth problem.
    4. When The Sun,Moon and Venus in posited in lagna cause of teeth problem.
    5. When Rahu in lagna or 5th house its cause of teeth problem.
    6. When 6th lord and 2nd lord in conjunction or aspect each of others, the native will have trouble in his/her in teeth.
    7. If the Aries,Taurus and Sagittarius are in the Ascendant ,which  is aspected by the  malefics cause of teeth problems.i
    8. When lord of 2nd house in conjunct. with Rahu due cause of teeth problems.
    9. When Venus occupied cancer or Aries sign, the mouth emit bad semell.
    10. If Moon be in the Ascendant and Mercury in the 6th house and the person will be emit bad smell in his mouth.
    11. If malefics are placed in 7th house with benefics aspects then cause of teeth problems 
           Remedies:-    1.The native give the red masoor dal  to a sweeper.
                                    2. To put kesar tilak on forehead.
                                    3.Give food to Dogs in the night.
                                    4. blanket to be given the poor people.
                                     5.Offering Milk and Sugar in a temple.










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